I want to create the reportage on happiness that I’ve always wanted to see but that no one has ever produced. I will offer my audience fun, authentic, sincere, natural, genuine, spontaneous contents, without ever falling into the banal or worse in the vulgar, exactly as I would have liked to be the protagonist of my ideal program.
This is the goal of “Progetto Happiness”, the incredible journey of a boy like many others in his greatest adventure: traveling around the world to get to know the people who have distinguished themselves during their life reaching happiness.
How did they do it? What is their “secret”? What can they teach us?

To find it out, I intend to draw up a questionnaire of 10 questions to ask to each character interviewed, this will allow me, at the end of my research, to get to the answer that all human beings, without distinction, seek: how to achieve happiness?
With a list of the most incredible people on the planet, I will have 12 months to find and interview them trying to understand and learn from their experiences and stories what “happiness” means in the most remote corners of the world between different cultures and traditions .
I want to share these magical encounters with as many people as possible through the main social media channels thanks to which I have already received in the past an incredible affection that led me to the realization of my latest project and great challenge: “Progetto Liminis”.
Every day I will share my travels and adventures on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, while I will publish weekly vlogs on Youtube with interviews and much more. “
Here's who is helping me in this project