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In order not to really miss anything about my journey in search of the recipe for happiness, I recommend that you sign up for the Progetto Happiness mailing list.

By entering your name and your email address I will be able to inform you about everything that happens!

Don’t worry I’m not exaggerating with emails.

I will write to you for:

  • inform you of the release of a new episode;
    get a weekly recap if you missed something important.

In addition, all users registered for the newsletter will be able to receive exclusively any resources created ad hoc such as the guide on how to survive in quarantine that I prepared during the lockdown.

In short, our mailing list is the ideal channel for true fans of the Project, for all the curious who do not want to miss anything of this adventure, for those who want to help me discover the universal recipe for happiness.

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Puoi sempre disiscriverti dalla lista dal link che trovi nel footer del mailing.

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