One night I stumbled upon a tape of a famous american program “Inside the Actor Studios”, in which the host, James Lipton, invited the greatest Hollywood stars to answer to 10 questions: the “Pivot Questionnaire”.
They were always the same, for each episode and for each guest. 10 unusual questions that anyone could answer but that allowed the presenter to put the interviewee at ease, as much as to be able to drop the star’s mask and create an intimate atmosphere.
This type of interview seemed brilliant to me and perfectly adaptable to my purposes.

My 10 questions will therefore be the common thread of each interview and will allow me to discover the interviewee’s personality and his approach to happiness, without ever being able to predict where the conversation will end thanks to their free interpretation.
These are questions that also arouse the curiosity of the viewer who unconsciously poses them to himself, testing himself to find out what he / she would answer instead of the interviewee. This is precisely the reaction I want to get: the desire to know what the other person responds and compare this answer with their own answers.
Although the atmosphere of the interview will always be lighthearted and fun, all the answers will help me to draw, at the end of the research, my personal conclusion on what happiness is.